Talking about 10 mobile games trends for 2007,Part II - Guy4game Scam? - Guy4game Coupon & Guy4game Banned

Jul 4, 2008

Talking about 10 mobile games trends for 2007,Part II

About my last post Talking about 10 mobile games trends for 2008.We have discussed 3 topic predicted by ppl.
Let find more about that,
4,About Advertising-supported games
People thought 2007 is the year when advertisers will dive in to the mobile games world. It's already happening to some extent ?Yes,Some of india company all ready hunger for this.Mobile advertising firm Greystripe announced that 1.4 million ad-supported games had been downloaded from its GameJump portal , for instance. more in just four monthsadvertisers.It helped ppl to reduce the price of mobile phone games,Make more ppl play it. It could help mobile developers and publishers cope with rising development costs without jacking up the prices customers pay.But on the other hand,

5,Flash Lite will make an impact
Flash Lite could be the technology that kickstarts viral advertising games on mobile, just as Flash has on the Webthis already changed in 2008, although it remains to be seen whether .Meanwhile,the mobile operators will start selling Flash Lite games on their portals, and if so, how they'll be priced compared to regular games.
Slowly but surely, the Flash technology that powers so many Web games is making its way into phones. Apparently over 115 million handheld devices now have the technology inside. Developers are already creating attractive-looking games that use Flash Lite, although so far there's been no easy way to get hold of them, unless you're a tech-head or a developer yourself.

6,Mobile game audio finally gets some props
As I've mentioned Mobile Phone Games Issues in Sound Design
Does anyone actually play mobile games with the sound turned on? Well, more people than you'd think. While we often quote the train / bus idea (ahem, like in Point 5), industry research shows that many mobile gamers play at home. As publishers realise this, they may well put more into their audio budgets, to make sure mobile games sound as good as they look.

Another trend that'll be important in 2007 is the rise of music phones. We'll spare you the 'phones are killing the iPod' rhetoric that's spouted by an increasing number of mobile manufacturers. But suffice to say, music handsets come with earphones, which you're likely to carry around with you. And in that case, why wouldn't you play games with the sound turned on, even in public?

In 2007, Pocket Gamer will be making an effort to mention the sound in every mobile game review we publish, to take these twin trends into account.