Nov 25, 2009

Mobile Phone Users Need to be Considerate

Here in the developed west nearly everyone now has a moble phone. But it should be remembered that around half of the world’s population have never made or received a telephone call.

This fact highlights the technological gap that exists between the developing countries and those lucky enough to have affordable access to modern communication technology.

But many would argue that, while mobile phones can be enormously useful, they can also be incredibly irritating. Have you recently used a train or a bus?

I have to take the train to and from London every day and I find myself forced to listen to mobile conversations that I would far rather not hear. On my way home on the train from London each evening I’m forced to listen to people calling their partners simply to tell them that they are on the train. And every evening I have to listen to the same people making the same calls with the same useless message. What did they use before mobile phones, carrier pigeons?

I’m also forced to listen to the inane conversations of teenagers that make no sense whatsoever. More often than not they are criticising their boyfriends, talking about what they’ve seen on television or describing some aspect of their boring, empty lives. In one conversation that a young lady chose to share with the occupants of a packed commuter train she cheerfully derided a young man’s sexual prowess with grizzly attention to detail. Everyone in the carriage was squirming in their seats with embarrassment as she proceeded to describe her experience, blow by blow.

Forcing other people to listen to one side of your telephone conversation is just one aspect of modern mobile phone use that is incredibly annoying. Another is people’s choice of annoyingly irritating ring tones and yet another is playing music loudly without consideration for others.

We all need to remember how lucky we are to even have mobile phones. Owning a mobile phone is not a god given right, it’s a privelige that should not be provided to people who use it to describe their sex lives, loudly.